Beauty, communication, Hair Care, health and wellness, That girl in the red coat, Uncategorized, Women

When new Mom’s are losing more than sleep…

Today’s tale is for all the new Mom’s out there. When we are pregnant, everyone tells you about their pregnancy. We hear all the stories of aches and pains, nausea and vomiting – yours truly vomited approximately 10 -15 times a day, the running joke is I threw up the day after conception. We hear about the puffy feet, the sore back, the restless sleep. Every once and a while we hear of a woman who had a pregnancy without any discomfort, excessive weight gain or nausea…I believe her to be an urban legend. Women will tell each other every detail of labor and delivery, we will share our tricks to a feeding schedule, finding the right car seat, how to get your bundle of joy to sleep through the night, hell, we even chat about cracked nipples, yet no one ever talks about the ever present changes to our body, our sex life and our hair, specifically hair loss. I may not be able to help you out with the changes to your body and your sex life (after 20 years of marriage I can assure you of one thing – as for your body – your partner is happy to have a naked person beside him/her and doesn’t really care if you have a new roll here or there and as for your sex life – any hang up is usually in your mind. Yes, you are now a mother – you are still a woman who deserves the earth to move once and a while. Yeah, I said it.). What I can help you with is your hair, or lack there of.

New Mom’s, know this, you are not alone. Over 75% of new Mom’s notice hair loss after the baby is born, they notice more shedding (technical term) – more strands in the sink,shower or hair brush. A major factor in hair loss after childbirth is this – when a woman is pregnant, as we and every one around us knows, there is a rise in hormones, which means hair strands are in a more active state of growth = less shedding = more hair. 6 weeks after delivery, our hormones start to regulate back to normal, the growth rate of our hair falls and shedding rises sharply. *Hair cells reproduce at a faster rate than any other in our body, so hair cells are sensitive to change in our health and environment. As your scalp tries to catch up to this major change, you may experience thinning hair, anywhere from 3 months to 1 year. Now, before you hyperventilate after reading 1 year, keep calm. Do not freak out. Take a breath. Again. 1 year is not the norm, and even if it was, I have a solution for you and that solution is NIOXIN.

Shop Brantford Pic 33



NIOXIN is a hair care system formulated to stop hair loss in it’s tracks and promote a healthy scalp, which in turn promotes hair growth. NIOXIN consists of 3 key products. Cleanser (shampoo), Scalp Therapy (conditioner), and Scalp Treatment (a leave in product). Using all 3 products are key for the best results. Being me, I have complied a little list for you;

System #1 & #2 – formulated for fine to medium hair that has not been chemically treated

System #3 & #4 – formulated for fine to medium hair that has been chemically treated (color/perm/straighten)

System #5 – formulated for medium to coarse hair – chemically treated or not.

System #6 – formulated for medium to coarse hair – chemically treated or not.

NIOXIN offers a lovely line of styling products as well. Some of the big movers at the shop are as follows;

Bodifying Foam – creates a fuller look, more volume without a sticky residue. Can offer curl definition as well.

Thickening Spray – adds volume and can add great texture for a pieced out look.

Definition Creme – a lightweight smoothing creme that gives definition and leaves the hair soft and shiny * Controls Frizz!

NioSpray Extra Hold – A firm finishing spray that helps add the look of fullness. Sets your style firmly yet still easy to brush out and begin again.


Now, I know that being a new Mom, hell, being a Mom, we tend to put ourselves last. Diet, nutrition and stress are key contributing factors in hair loss. Fad diets, rapid weight loss or a diet filled with more fast food than food can result in lack of amino acids, biotin, iron, zinc and healthy proteins – all key factors in a healthy hair growth cycle. I know you make sure your child gets a healthy meal – you need to do the same for you Mom. As for stress, I know it comes with the territory. To put it simply, when you are stressed the body takes over and says “protect the heart and the brain” and everything else falls to the wayside. Stress can cause your body to constrict the blood supply to the capillaries – it restricts oxygen and nutrient uptake & vitamins to the hair follicle. As I stated above, I am a Mom and I know too well that stress can come with the territory. Next time you start to feel your blood boil, step back and think. If you have a say in what is happening, like junior deciding to become an artist and his canvas is the living room wall and his paint of choice is the poop from his diaper – get a little worked up. If you have no control over the situation at hand, like another Mom telling you how you should be raising your child or that you need to get your roots done – take a breath and remember – this is not a situation worthy of  losing one strand of hair.


Beauty, communication, Hair Care, health and wellness, That girl in the red coat, Uncategorized, Women, writing

Through the looking glass

Today’s tale is going to be short and sweet. The past few days have been full of reflection for yours truly. For those who follow my tales, you all know that since I have entered my forties and had the stupid cut out (hysterectomy) I have found myself again. What was once lost has been found.  This week I came across another piece of my puzzle.

When I was a child, my sister and I would spend our summers and school holidays with my grandparents. You have heard my tales of my grandmother Leah. Today’s tale is that of my grandmother Alice. Tomorrow we lay my grandma Alice to rest. When I was a child she would indulge my imagination. She would let me play restaurant for hours on end, she would give me paper so I could make a menu, she would let me take over the living room and make it my restaurant. She was always the customer and I was always the waitress/manager…big surprise. She would listen to me recite my times tables over and over and over …always with yours truly exclaiming my intelligence and always agreeing that “Yes! You are so smart!”. She made me hot cocoa with colored marsh mellows. She taught me how to play crazy eights. She taught me how to use a knife and fork – like a young lady. She let me turn my cake upside down so I could save the icing for last. She always told me that “gramma loves ya”. As I was going through my photos and memories this week, I came across a picture of my sister and I having a “Beauty Shop” day at my grandma’s house. I remembered how I loved to have my hair clipped and curled and thought the portable dryer was the most amazing invention on earth. I found myself smiling, at how far I had come just to return to where I began.

Thank you Grandma, for seeing my beauty and helping me to see it too.




Beauty, communication, Hair Care, health and wellness, That girl in the red coat, Uncategorized, Women, writing

Not your usual Top Ten list

Everywhere you look, on facebook, on twitter, on Pinterest, even on the cover of the magazine’s at the express check out, everyone seems to have the newest idea or the newest “how to” for your “best hair day EVER!”. Granted, some of these idea’s are quite useful and helpful. Many, sadly are not. There are no miracle cures for split ends, there isn’t a 10 minute technique to make a brunette a platinum blonde, and sorry to burst your bubble – your hair will not grow 2 inches in 2 weeks – no matter what product you put on your scalp. Over the past weeks many customers have wandered into the shop with the same question “Do you have something that will fix this?”, as they point to their head…or hat depending on the damage done. I have seen women with hair that looked and felt like straw. I have seen women who’s hair felt like wet cotton – although their hair was dry. I have seen women with patches of singed hair. I have seen women, that their hair had so many shades of gold and orange their head looked like a paint swatch. As always, my aim is to educate and enlighten, so, being me, I have compiled a list. A “Top Ten of what not to do” list. You’re welcome.

1 – If you want to be the blonde bombshell that you have always known was inside you, do not attempt this at home. I know the box shows you that a brunette became a platinum blonde – trust me, it’s not gonna happen. Save yourself an evening locked in the bathroom and go to the Salon.

2 – Coconut oil smells terrific and has many health benefits. One thing it is not is a thermal protectant. *Unless the package states it is a thermal protectant and meant to be used with a flat iron, DO NOT use any oil on dry hair and then proceed to use your flat iron. I want you to picture a hot frying pan…what happens when you add oil to it? Exactly. See my previous post –

You should hear sizzle at the stove….not at the vanity

3 – Split ends are a result of damage – from being too aggressive with the brush while trying to rid yourself of tangles to over processing your lovely locks. The best way to keep those pesky splits at bay? Go for a trim every few weeks. Before you faint – get out your smelling salts – I am not saying get inches chopped off. Ask for a baby trim – literally millimeters trimmed off…or 1/8″ for my non metric beauties.

4 – There isn’t any product on the market that will make your hair grow inches in weeks. There are some products out there that state you will notice 1 – 2 inches of growth in 6 weeks…that is the usual amount of growth for anyone in good health.

5 – Toner is not a magic potion found in a magic bottle.

6 – Purple Shampoo/ Blue Shampoo will rid your lovely blonde or silver locks of the yellow/brassy tones that blondes/silvers pick up due to product build up, pollution and nicotine. Purple/Blue Shampoo will not make you more blonde. If you have colored your hair and you now look like the great pumpkin, no amount of shampoo will make you blonde. Time to call the Salon.

7 – Plastering your teen daughter’s head with hairspray will not stop her oily scalp. I don’t know who thought this one up. Oily scalp is common for teens, boys and girls alike. It is hormonal. Senscience Specialty Shampoo, Joico’s Daily Care Treatment Shampoo, RUSK Sensories Purify Shampoo and AG Peppermint Wash are terrific shampoo’s to help oily scalp conditions.

8 – A professional stylist would never tell you how to color your hair. Until the color is applied, there is no way of knowing how that color is going to process on your hair – something to remember the next time you are told “oh yeah…just use this and that and you’ll be fine”. …I know it happens, the stylists in my Salon are booking color corrections because of so called “professional” advice.

9 – Unless you have natural wave or curl in your hair, you need to use a curling iron or get a perm to achieve tight, bouncy curls. No amount of curl activating cream will make your poker straight hair curly. You may achieve a slight kinky wave from the product build up, but if ringlets are what you desire, you will need some mechanical (curling iron/wand) or chemical help (perm).

10 – Most conditioning treatments have done all they can do in 20 minutes. Leaving them on overnight has no added benefits.

I know I said this was a Top Ten list, I do have one more very important addition…throwing the flat iron is never a solution.

Beauty, communication, Hair Care, health and wellness, That girl in the red coat, Uncategorized, Women, writing

Telling Tales

It was two years ago today, after circling my dining room table a few dozen times while looking at my home computer out of the corner of my eye, that yours truly sat down at our home computer, typed “wordpress” into my Google search engine and hit enter. I selected the link to the wordpress site. My mouse hovered over the “sign up and start publishing now” icon. I had to keep taking my shaking  hand off the mouse, I was terrified I would click and start publishing before I was ready. I was terrified to begin, what if no one reads it? What if they all think this is stupid? What if I am not a writer? What if this is all a waste of time? After what seemed like an eternity, I decided to stop listening to the shouting voice of fear in my mind and to listen to the ever present whisper of hope. I took a deep breath and began. I am so happy that I did.

As I was finishing my ‘do for the day with Joico’s Power Spray (my new FAV!), I found myself thinking of that morning two years ago, and began to say thank you to my reflection. I actually welled up a bit. Yep, there I was talking to my reflection, can of hairspray in one hand, tissue in the other. No need to call the white coats, I was having a moment. A realization of how far I have come since that morning. I like my reflection. I think I am pretty. I feel beautiful both inside and out. I am proud of myself and am confident in my abilities. Now when I have an idea or want to try something new, hope shouts and fear whispers.

If I had listened to fear that morning, I would not be a guest blogger for , I wouldn’t be a contributing author for , I never would have been invited to the Contessa’s. If I had let my fear make my decision I wouldn’t have all the fabulous connections on Twitter, many who inspire me or make me laugh on a daily basis. I wouldn’t have my lovely laptop on which I tell my tales – a beautiful birthday gift from my husband and daughter, because they believed in what I was doing. I wouldn’t have had all those evenings of bursting through the back door exclaiming to my husband and daughter about the retweet or follow I received from some pretty snazzy people, or the utter excitement to share a published article with them. If I had listened to fear, I wouldn’t have been able to show my daughter that her mom was published on not one, but four websites. I wouldn’t have been able to prove to her…and myself, that hard work, taking a chance or two and faith in yourself pays off. If I had let fear control my decision I never would have found people like myself – people that celebrate each other, people that want to raise each other up and help each other out.

In celebration of my 2nd Anniversary, I have a wish. A wish that you will find your passion, that you will chase your dream, that what was once lost will be found, that your shouts of fear will be silenced and your whispers of hope become the song you sing in your mind and in your heart. More tales are on their way Beauties. Thank you for your support. Thank you for sticking around when tales were few and far between. Thank you for the love.

Beauty, That girl in the red coat, Uncategorized

Subscription to That Girl in the Red Coat

Hello Beauties!

Today’s entry is short and sweet…like yours truly. As I was going through my comments log, I noticed many are having trouble figuring out how to follow my blog, so, being me, I have made a how to list for you.

– Select the “follow” icon

– an email prompt will pop up

– enter your email address – you will now be sent a confirmation email to the email address you entered

– check your email for the confirmation email from either That girl in the red coat or That girl in the red coat / wordpress …just in case – check your spam/junk folder…sadly it sometimes ends up there.

– once you have confirmed that you indeed want to follow my blog & would like each of my new blogs emailed to you…VOILA! …you will now be following my blog and each new Salon tale will arrive directly to you.

Thank you all for the support!

That Girl in the Red Coat


Beauty, communication, Hair Care, health and wellness, That girl in the red coat, Uncategorized, Women, writing


As I sit here in my 42nd. year in this earthly realm, I am still astonished at the treatment of women, by other women. In the past weeks I have seen women roll their eyes behind another woman’s back after telling her they “loved her new cut!” – in front of their daughter. I have heard women snicker about a woman following her dream of opening a business for herself – in front of their daughter. I have heard a woman call another woman a “ho!” because of her personal choice to leave her marriage – in front of her daughter. I have heard women bashing their teenage daughter’s choice of hair color – in front of their daughter. Ladies – just what do you think you are teaching your daughter about how to treat other women?

I have a daughter on the cusp of turning 17. I remember how difficult that age was…too old for some things, too young for others, feeling like no one “gets you”, wanting to be an individual yet still blend in enough not to be centered out, figuring out who you are and who your friends are, all the while trying to keep your hair perfect and your mascara from flaking in case “that boy” walks by and happens to say “Hey” to you for the first time. As mothers, we need to remember these things. Today, there are pressures our daughters are having to face much earlier than we did. Case and point – when I was 10 I liked the way Barbie looked –  today at age 10 girls are feeling like they are supposed to look like Barbie. What our daughter’s need is a soft place to fall at the end of the day. Our daughter’s need an example that there is good in the world and that there are people out there that won’t stab them in the back, that will actually have their back. What our daughter’s do not need is another example of gossip, or snickering or put downs  – they deal with that everyday at school and with their friends and classmates.  Being me, I have compiled a little list, a reminder of sorts.

– Do not belittle the dreams of others, if you aren’t careful you could in turn belittle your daughter’s dream.

– Gossiping in front of your daughter will teach her to gossip and teach her not to trust you. Think about it – if she hears you telling everyone’s secrets, she will think you will tell hers too.

– When your daughter wants a pixie cut – be kind. She is trying to figure out who she is…and introduce her to a good stylist and some great product, like KMS Hair Play Molding Paste – great for texture and separation.

– If your daughter has an issue with an oily scalp, do not point it out to everyone you run into. The only person who you should be talking to (with your daughter’s permission) is your stylist. * If your daughter doesn’t want to talk about it, Senscience Specialty Shampoo is a great shampoo to help control an oily scalp.

– Putting down other women in front of your daughter will teach her do to the same – sometimes just out of pure survival – so your venom doesn’t ever spew in her direction.

– When shopping with your daughter, help her to find herself and her style – not the person and the style you want, or wish you had when you were her age.

– NEVER, I mean EVER, point out your daughter’s insecurities in front of anyone. How would you like her to point out your muffin top to the PTA?

– Remind your daughter…and yourself, that this is reality…not reality T.V.. – the Kardashian’s are already keeping up with themselves.

Before you go and nominate me for Mother of the Year, let me be the first to admit that I can really put my foot in it and say the wrong thing. I am strong willed and have a hard time admitting a wrong. That being said, I have to remind myself that I am the parent. I am the adult. I know better and must do better. I admit to my daughter when I have over stepped my bounds. I do apologize for my words if they felt unkind. I explain my intentions and hope that she believes me. As parents we have no control over what our children do once they leave the house, we can only hope that we have taught them well and that they carry on those lessons once they have crossed the threshold. …oh, and throwing a flat iron is never the solution.