Beauty, Business, communication, Hair Care, That girl in the red coat, Women


Okay Universe, I feel your nudge.


…it’s been quite a week! Long story short, one door closes and another opens. The shop is closing. Everyone has a journey and a path that is best suited for them and their lives and must do what is best for them, hence the owner’s decision to close the shop and move on to a place that is more suited for her vision. She is a wonderful stylist and will continue to do well, of that I am certain. As for yours truly, I am excited to see what is around every corner. I love the Beauty industry and anticipate great things.

For those familiar with my blog, you know of my “go for it!” attitude. Well, it’s safe to say, it’s time I take a dose of my own medicine and go for it. What “it” is exactly, I do not know. What I know for sure is this; I will continue to blog and I will continue to be an Independent Retail Consultant. The support and the kindness that has been bestowed upon me these last few days has been humbling and, quite honestly, a huge boost to my ego and for that I am grateful beyond words. I am approaching my 44th birthday and many opportunities are presenting themselves so I got a feeling 44 is gonna be FAB!.

So, stay tuned Beauties! Stay tuned.




Beauty, Business, Hair Care, health and wellness, That girl in the red coat, Uncategorized, Women


This morning, did you find yourself looking at your reflection and your dry tresses, wondering where the shine and vibrancy of your color went? Did the thought “I wonder if I could pull off a pixie cut?” pass through your mind because you felt there isn’t anything to help your hair and return it to what it once was. Well Beauties, do I have news for you. There is a new kid on the block and it will become your new bff! The Beauties at Joico have created a real gem. Let me introduce you to Kpak Color Therapy Luster Lock!

Joico Kpak Color Therapy Luster Lock INSTANT Shine and Repair Treatment!

Luster Lock offers a FAB! glow, shine and vibrancy to your color treated tresses. It is formulated for all hair types, from fine to thick. For blondes, brunettes, highlights, lowlight, ombres…you name it…Luster Lock rejuvenates any color, all the while boosting your hair’s strength to make it 9 times more resistant to breakage. *For this non-blonde blonde, let me tell you, it’s like the heavens opened up and the angels began to sing!

With it’s formulation of nourishing Manketti oil and Argan Oils Luster Lock repairs and seals the hair’s outer protective layer to lock in color vibrancy. Silk, soy and seaweed extract help to add some slip to prevent damage during styling. Luster Lock offers two application choices;

  • apply to dry hair as a pre shampoo treatment for that extra boost of repair and protection.


  • apply to clean, damp hair. Leave in for a minute or two, then rinse with cool water. Dry and style as usual.

Myself, I prefer the old fashioned application on clean, damp hair. Luster Lock brightened up my magenta, added luster to my blonde and did not weigh down my fine tresses in the least. I found my hair to feel softer and my flat iron glided with ease. (Those of us who like to play with our color know all to well the tug/skid feeling we can get from our flat iron).

So, before you pick up the pair of scissors closest to you or call your stylist to book an inaudible hair appointment, save yourself some grief and your stylist nightmares from hearing the sobs through the phone and go get yourself some Luster Lock. I promise you, you will not regret it.





Beauty, Business, Hair Care, That girl in the red coat, Women

Part of the package

As many of you now know, yours truly has spread her wings a little wider and has become an Independent Retail Consultant. Over the years in our beloved biz, I came to realize many Salons were missing out on the perks of retailing their products in their Salons. Not only does retail increase Salon revenue, it enhances your client’s experience and gives them the tools to have a good hair day everyday between their appointments. Retailing in the Salon helps your clients protect their investment, in themselves.

Over the years, and during some of my consultations, I have come across the same concern from every stylist I speak with. “I don’t want to seem pushy.”. With over 25 years of sales and customer service under my belt, let me tell you this…if you are coming from a place of honesty and integrity, you are not being pushy. If your client has just had her hair colored red and you tell her that you highly suggest a color shampoo and conditioner to purchase to use at home to protect her new loved color =not pushy. You are trying to keep her red as vibrant as it can be for as long as possible. Selling said client a clarifying shampoo that she does not need = pushy. A clarifying shampoo would ruin her red. Giving your clients the tools they need to protect their investment in themselves is all you are doing, plain and simple.


Another common question/statement is “I don’t see the value of it.”. I have one question in response to this one, would you skip adding developer to your color? Of course not, because without developer the color wouldn’t process properly and in turn, you would have an unhappy client sitting in your chair. The same goes for retailing product. Think about it. Your client is sitting in your chair touching their hair telling you “I love it!”. They leave your shop with a spring in their step, feeling as though they can take on the world. They wake the next day, begin to style their hair only to have it not work out or look as good as it did the day before, and begin to feel as though the world is caving in on them. They may not be in your chair, trust me, in this moment, you have an unhappy client. Everyone wants to have a good hair day, the ladies and the gents. Everyone. Selling your clients product to take home and taking a moment to teach them how to use them ensures your clients will not only be happy in your chair, they will be happy until they are back in your chair with their next appointment.

All Salons have packages, be it a wash, cut and style or cut included with each color service, we all have packages. So, why not add some retail to the package? You are using the products. Your clients smell the products. Your clients see the products on your station. Your clients asks “OOO! That smells great?! What is that?”. All the work has been done for you. All you have to do is answer their questions, have a conversation. That’s it. Plain and simple. In my experience, once the value of the product is explained, the cost is never an issue. The client wants that product. Take flat iron sprays – once I explain the value of a flat iron spray – it protects the hair from the contact heat of a flat iron, that it helps to protect the vibrancy of hair color and that it helps to combat frizz and fly aways, when they leave the Salon, they have a flat iron spray in their hand.

Retail is already part of the package. Your clients love their hair and want to continue the love affair. They need you to help them keep their relationship with their hair “all moonlight and roses”. Adding retail to the package will do just that.



Beauty, Business, communication, Hair Care, health and wellness, That girl in the red coat, Uncategorized, Women


Last week I had a woman come in looking for a silicone oil for her hair. I asked her why she was looking for a silicone oil for her hair and she told me “that’s what my stylist said to use to fix my extensions, to make the frizz go away and to help get the knots out.”. I asked her how long she had her extensions in for and she told me 1 week. (I swear, I would have guessed a month.). “Oh, I see” I said. “Yeah, I know they look horrible. My stylist told me I am not taking care of them properly. I guess I am just stupid or something.”. It was then that I asked her if her stylist had told her how to take care of her extensions to which she said “Yes. She told me to go to the drugstore and make sure the shampoo was moisturizing and then she said…” it was then that I stopped her. I actually put my hand up and said “Stop right there. Hold on one minute.”. I took a breath and said “this is not your fault. I am sorry that you spent so much money ($400.00 by the way) and were given the wrong instruction.”. I let her know that she should wrap her head each night, or at least put her hair in a low ponytail/braid before bed. That only professional Salon sulfate free shampoo should be used with extensions. That a flat iron spray should be used when using a flat iron – not a silicone oil like her stylist told her. The poor girl just looked at me. Her eyes began to well up, then stopped. Her look turned from despair to anger, and rightfully so. “My stylist didn’t tell me any of that. In fact, she made me feel like I was an idiot and disrespecting her when I told her I thought there was a problem with my extensions!”. We spent the next 20 minutes talking product and after I rang her through, she thanked me for my honesty. “You are the first person who told me the truth about my extensions”.

The point of today’s tale? Clients and customers come to our Salon’s because they trust us. They trust us with their family secrets, the latest neighbourhood gossip, their fears and their self doubt. Most importantly, they trust us with their hair. It is our responsibility as stylists, Salon managers and Salon owners to guard that trust and help our clients and customers to protect their investment in themselves. It is our responsibility to explain;

  • the importance of the proper shampoo, especially for color clients. Explaining that professional Salon shampoo will protect the their color whereas drugstore shampoo will effect the vibrancy of their color = color fade.


  • how to apply shampoo – to emulsify it in your hands, then apply mid shaft and work your way up.


  • that sulfate free shampoo’s do not make lots of bubbles or suds. To make more of a lather, add more water. Adding more shampoo just wastes the shampoo and leaves the hair greasy and lifeless.


  • the difference between leave in conditioners and conditioning treatments. Yes, sadly many woman I have helped were using a conditioning treatment and leaving it in, which in turn messed up their hair, on many levels. * I ALWAYS stress the importance of rinsing out vs. leaving in. Trust me, your client may look at you like you have three heads, but they will thank you for it later.


  • all mousses and root boosts are thermal activated. No blow drying? No volume. Plain and simple.


  • the importance of thermal protection. Every client that uses a flat iron MUST have a flat iron spray at home and it MUST be used each time a flat iron is used. *the hair spray today will be cooked into the hair tomorrow without the use of a thermal spray.


  • All oils and serums should be applied to damp hair BEFORE blow drying or to dry hair AFTER using a flat iron or curling iron. * oils and serums are not thermal protectants. I want you to think of a hot pan on the stove – what happens when you add oil to a hot pan? Exactly.


  • how to take care of extensions. How to wash them. How to style them. Which products are best to use.


  • how to take care of their hair after a perm


  • how to maintain smooth tresses after a chemical straightening


  • how to wash their hair when they have had vibrant colors applied.

In my experience, almost every customer thanks me for being honest with them, for taking the time to explain things to them, the how’s and the why’s of hair product and hair care. Take a moment to speak with your clients about their hair and hair care routine, explain the importance of protecting their investment in themselves. They will thank you for it. As for me…no thanks needed.